Opportunities to Serve

A natural extension of our Christian faith is to serve others.

Ways To Serve In Our Church

Welcome Team

Would you consider being a friendly face on a Sunday morning? We want newcomers and returnees to feel welcome on Sunday mornings. To be on the welcome team involves greeting at the front door, helping answer questions, and seeking out those who are new into our church family.

Prayer Team

We must always be praying, as it is our direct connection to our God. Our prayer team takes time to be with God and listen, as well as talk. Would you consider joining our prayer team and spending time with God, on behalf of our congregation?

Worship Team

Do you play an instrument, sing, or have a great reading voice? This is a great team to be a part of if you answered 'yes' to any of those things!

Tech Team

If you have a technical aptitude and wish to help with audio/ visual tech and media production we would love help on Sunday mornings and other times.

Sunday School Team

Our children are in need of adults in their lives who love God and love them too. We are called to raise up a generation and remind them of the truths of God's love for them. If teaching is your passion, then consider joining the team of Sunday School teachers to help raise up a generation of kids who know Jesus.

Creche Team

Helping with Creche is a way to give parents a small break to focus and refresh knowing that their babies are in great hands.

Youth Team

Our youth need mentors and adults in their lives that are willing to help guide them, counsel them, and give them encouragement to keep pressing on in their faith walk. Are you interested in coming alongside our youth and doing just that?

TranslatingTeam (English-French)

If you have a special gift for translating English to French or vice-versa we will be happy to have you join or serve in our translating team !

If you would like to get involved in any of these areas or have another question about getting more involved in the life of the church, please contact us!

Service can take many forms: Teaching, making meals, cleaning, welcoming people, giving our time at a local homeless shelter, etc.  

Our gifts are meant to be used to reach out to others and to care for one another, both inside and outside of our church walls.